Saturday, September 11, 2010

The effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life (essay 2)

I believe that parents, teachers, and friends have an effect on life. Parents are the ones that teach you right from wrong they effect you by teaching you how to do things like cleaning, cooking, to even brushing your teeth. This impacts you a lot in your self-steam. Teachers impact on how you think and this is when you start believing your own thing instead of just listening to what your parents say. Teachers effect your life by showing another way of thinking and doing things..... they also help you decide what you want to be.   Friends from experience effect you life a lot by having fun and living your life.... i cant live without my best friend its just good to have a friend be there for you when ever you need them at anytime.

cool quotes on friendships :)

 I dont really know how to upload videos so here is a link to one of my fav. songs that teaches how we need to be friends with everyone.